termiNus User Guide


termiNus is an interactive Command Line Interface (CLI) task manager for undergraduate students in NUS. This program will help them achieve a better grip on their school life as well as assist in better management of their daily expenses and be reminded of any library loans.

Fear not, this guide contains all the features found in termiNus along with detailed explanations on the usage of each command. We hope this guide is user-friendly!

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.

  2. Download the latest version of termiNus from here.

  3. Copy the jar file to a new folder.

  4. Navigate to the directory which contains termiNus.jar using the command prompt. Alternatively, on Windows, you can open the folder which contains termiNus.jar and in the address bar type cmd and press enter. It will open up a command prompt with that directory.

  5. Run termiNus by typing java -jar termiNus.jar and press enter.

  6. A greeting message will be displayed as shown below.

Hello from...
     _                           _  _   _
    | |                         (_)| \ | |
    | |_   ___  _ __  _ __ ___   _ |  \| | _   _  ___
    | __| / _ \| '__|| '_ ` _ \ | || . ` || | | |/ __|
    | |_ |  __/| |   | | | | | || || |\  || |_| |\__ \
     \__| \___||_|   |_| |_| |_||_|\_| \_/ \__,_||___/

     How can termiNus assist you today?

     Unsure what to type? Start of by typing <help> to see the commands and their usage.

  1. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.


Take note:

1. Priority 0: Default , Priority 1: Highest (As number increases, priority decreases). 
2. Detailed descriptions are given for each command. Please follow exactly.

Adding a task: add task

Adds a new item to the list of todo tasks.

Format: add task <description> <optional arguments>

List of <optional arguments>:

🚩: By default, there is no category and date, and the priority is set to 0.

🚩: Optional arguments can be typed in any order.

🚩: Duplicate entry of tasks are allowed.

Example of usage:

add task tP meeting

add task tP meeting c/cs2113 p/1

add task tP meeting p/1 c/cs2113 date/13-05-2020

add task tP meeting date/13-05-2020 p/1 c/cs2113


     Got it. I've added this task:
       [T][N] tP meeting (p:1) (category: cs2113) (date: 13 May 2020)
     Now you have 4 tasks in the list.

Adding recurring tasks: addr

Adds multiple tasks to the list of tasks that occur weekly on a given day.

Format: addr <description> <optional/compulsory arguments>

List of <optional arguments>:

List of <compulsory arguments>:

🚩: Optional and compulsory arguments can be typed in any order.

🚩: Duplicate entry of recurring tasks are allowed.

Example of usage:

addr tp meeting s/26-10-2020 e/27-11-2020 day/fri

addr board games club s/26-10-2020 e/27-11-2020 day/wed c/CCA

addr board games club s/26-10-2020 day/wed e/27-11-2020 p/1 c/CCA


     Got it. I've added these tasks:
     [T][N] board games club (p:1) (category: CCA) (date: 28 Oct 2020)
     [T][N] board games club (p:1) (category: CCA) (date: 04 Nov 2020)
     [T][N] board games club (p:1) (category: CCA) (date: 11 Nov 2020)
     [T][N] board games club (p:1) (category: CCA) (date: 18 Nov 2020)
     [T][N] board games club (p:1) (category: CCA) (date: 25 Nov 2020)
     Now you have 5 tasks in the list.

Adding a module: add module

Add modules to the module list.

Format: add module <module code> <optional/compulsory arguments>

🚩: <module code> matches 2 or 3 prefix characters, followed by 4 digits and optional suffix.

🚩: All characters in <module code> must be in caps.

🚩: Duplicate module code in the same semester will not be allowed.

List of <optional arguments>:

🚩: Modules will be “completed” by default if d/<1 or 0> is not provided. This feature lets users add “incomplete” modules and compute a projected CAP when list modules is entered.

List of <compulsory arguments>:

🚩: All characters in academic year must be in caps.

🚩: Grades must be in caps.

🚩: Optional and compulsory arguments can be typed in any order.

Example of usage:

add module CS2113 g/A+ mc/4 ay/2021S1

add module CS2117 mc/4 g/B+ d/0 ay/2021S2

add module CS2119 g/C+ d/1 mc/4 ay/2021S2


     Got it. I've added this module:
       [CM][A+] CS2113 (4 MC) (AY2021S1)
     Now you have 3 module(s) in the list.

🚩: [CM] indicates a “completed” module, and [IC] indicates an “incomplete” module.

Add a link for lecture/tutorial sessions through zoom.

Format: add link m/<module code> <compulsory arguments>

List of <compulsory arguments>:

🚩: URL has to begin with either http:// or https://.

🚩: All characters in <module code> must be in caps.

Example of usage:

add link m/CS2113 t/lecture u/https://CS2113Lecture.zoom.com


     Got it. I've added this link:
       CS2113 lecture
     Now you have 1 link(s) in the list.

Adding an expense item: spend

Add an expense item into the expense list.

Format: spend <description> <compulsory arguments> <optional arguments>

List of <compulsory arguments>:

🚩: value has a limit of 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000).

🚩: value must be non-negative.

List of <optional arguments>:

🚩: By default, the currency is set to “SGD” and date is set to the date when the user executes the spend command.

🚩: currency is user defined. It does not have to be a legal currency in the world.

🚩: Optional and compulsory arguments can be typed in any order.

Example of usage:

spend lunch v/5

spend lunch v/5 currency/CNY

spend lunch v/5 date/2020-10-28

spend lunch v/5 date/2020-11-08 currency/USD


     Got it. I've added this expense item:
       lunch (5.00 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     Now you have 9 expense items in the list.

Borrowing a book: borrow

Loan a book and add into the book list.

Format: borrow <book name> <compulsory argument>

List of <compulsory argument>:

🚩: The due date will be fixed to 1 month from the date of loan.

🚩: Duplicate book name will not be allowed.

Example of usage:

borrow cooking book date/11-11-2011


     Got it. I've added this book: cooking book
       (Loan Date: 11 Nov 2011)
       (Due Date: 11 Dec 2011)

Creating module folders: makefolders

Make folders for all modules in the module list according to academic year.

🚩: Folders will be created in the same location as where you ran termiNus from.

Format: makefolders

Example of usage:



     Creating module folders...
     Created folder/sub-folders for GER1000 at C:\termiNus\modules\AY2021S1\GER1000
     Created folder/sub-folders for CS2113 at C:\termiNus\modules\AY2021S1\CS2113
     Created folder(s) for 2 module(s).

Displaying tasks on list: list tasks

Lists all the tasks.

Format: list tasks

🚩: Lists all the tasks including recurring task.

Example of usage:

list tasks


     Here are the task(s) in your list:

     1.[T][N] tP meeting (p:1) (category: cs2113)
     2.[T][N] iP meeting (p:2) (category: cs2113)
     3.[T][N] assignment submission (p:2) (category: cg2028)
     4.[T][N] board games club (p:1) (category: CCA) (date: 28 Oct 2020)
     5.[T][N] board games club (p:1) (category: CCA) (date: 04 Nov 2020)
     6.[T][N] board games club (p:1) (category: CCA) (date: 11 Nov 2020)

Displaying tasks based on priority: list tasks (by priority)

Lists all the tasks with the same priority.

Format: list tasks p/<priority>

🚩: <priority> must be non-negative.

Example of usage:

list tasks p/2


     Here are the task(s) of this priority in your list:

     1.[T][N] iP meeting (p:2) (category: cs2113)
     2.[T][N] assignment submission (p:2) (category: cg2028)

Displaying tasks based on category: list tasks (by category)

Lists all the tasks with the same category.

Format: list tasks c/<category>

🚩: category is case-sensitive.

Example of usage:

list tasks c/cs2113


     Here are the tasks of this category in your list:

     1.[T][N] iP meeting (p:2) (category: cs2113)
     2.[T][N] lecture quiz (p:2) (category: cs2113)

Lists all the links.

Format: list links

Example of usage:

list links


     Here are the links in your list:

     1.CS2113 lecture
     2.CS2028 lecture

Displaying books borrowed and returned on list: list books

List all books loaned and returned.

Format: list books

Example of usage:

list books


     Here are the books in your list:

     1.[B][L] cooking book
         (Loan Date: 11 Nov 2011)
         (Due Date: 11 Dec 2011)
     2.[B][R] java book
         (Loan Date: 10 Oct 2020)
         (Due Date: 10 Nov 2020)

Displaying modules on list: list modules

List all the modules in the module list and shows the current CAP, projected CAP and completed MCs.

🚩: Current CAP is computed from “completed” modules, and projected CAP is computed from all modules.

🚩: Completed MCs are computed from “completed” modules.

Format: list modules

Example of usage:

list modules


     Here is a list of your module(s):
     1.[CM][A-] GER1000 (4 MC) (AY2021S1)
     2.[CM][A+] GET1029 (4 MC) (AY2021S1)
     3.[CM][A+] CS2113 (4 MC) (AY2021S1)
     4.[IC][B] GES1041 (4 MC) (AY2021S2)
     Current CAP: 4.83
     Projected CAP: 4.50
     Total MCs completed: 12

🚩: [CM] indicates a “completed” module, and [IC] indicates an “incomplete” module.

Displaying expense items on list: list expenses

List all the expense items in the expense list and shows total amount of money spent for each currency and the current day, week, month, and year.

Format: list expenses

🚩: Expense list is sorted based on date (from the most recent to the least recent). If the date of two expense items are the same, the expense list is sorted based on currency lexicographically.

Example of usage:

list expenses


     Here are the expense item(s) in your list:

     dinner (0.60 A) (date: Monday, November 9, 2020)
     breakfast (0.10 SGD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     book (0.50 SGD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     bread (0.20 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     lunch (5.00 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     bottle (3.00 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)
     pen (1.00 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)
     earphone (0.30 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)
     tablet (0.40 USD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)

     Your total expense for today is:
     0.60 SGD
     5.20 USD

     Your total expense for this week is:
     4.90 SGD
     5.60 USD

     Your total expense for this month is:
     0.60 A
     4.90 SGD
     5.60 USD

     Your total expense for this year is:
     0.60 A
     4.90 SGD
     5.60 USD

Displaying expense items by a certain currency on list: list expenses (by currency)

List all the expense items in the expense list based on currency and shows total amount of money spent for each currency.

Format: list expenses currency/<currency_name>

🚩: currency_name is case-sensitive.

Example of usage:

list expenses currency/USD


     Here are the expense item(s) in your expense list of currency USD:
     bread (0.20 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     lunch (5.00 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     tablet (0.40 USD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)

     The total amount listed:
     5.60 USD

Displaying expense items on a certain date on list: list expenses (by date)

List all the expense items in the expense list based on the date and shows total amount of money spent for each currency.

Format: list expenses date/<YYYY-MM-DD>

Example of usage:

list expenses date/2020-11-08


     Here are the expense item(s) in your expense list of date Sunday, November 8, 2020:
     breakfast (0.10 SGD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     book (0.50 SGD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     bread (0.20 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     lunch (5.00 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)

     The total amount listed:
     0.60 SGD
     5.20 USD

Displaying expense items for a certain time period on list: list expenses (by time period)

List all the expense items in the expense list based on the time period and shows total amount of money spent for each currency.

Format: list expenses for/<time period>

🚩: <time period> can only be day, week, month, or year.

🚩: time period is case-insensitive.

Example of usage:

list expenses for/week


     Here are the expense item(s) in your expense list for this week:
     breakfast (3.00 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)
     bus (1.00 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)
     pencil (0.30 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 8, 2020)
     pen (0.40 USD) (date: Saturday, November 9, 2020)

     The total amount listed:
     4.30 SGD
     0.40 USD

Deleting a task from the list: delete task

Deletes a task from the list

Format: delete task <taskIndexNumber>

🚩: <taskIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list tasks command output.

Example of usage:

delete task 2


     Noted. I've removed this task:
       [T][N] iP meeting (p:2)
     Now you have 5 task(s) in the list.

Deleting all tasks of a certain priority: delete tasks (by priority)

Delete tasks of the same priority.

Format: delete tasks p/<priority>

🚩: <priority> must be non-negative.

Example of usage:

delete tasks p/2


     Noted. I've removed all these task(s) with the same priority:
     [T][N] tP meeting (p:2)
     [T][N] iP meeting (p:2)
     Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

Deleting all tasks of a certain category: delete tasks (by category)

Delete tasks of the same category.

Format: delete tasks c/<category>

🚩: <category> is case-sensitive.

Example of usage:

delete tasks c/cs2113


     Noted. I've removed all these task(s) with the same category:
     [T][Y] tP meeting (p:0) (category: cs2113)
     [T][N] iP meeting (p:2) (category: cs2113)
     Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

Delete a link from the list.

Format: delete link <linkIndexNumber>

🚩: <linkIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list links command output.

Example of usage:

delete link 2


     Noted. I've removed this link:
       CS2113 lecture
     Now you have 2 link(s) in the list.

Deleting a module from the list: delete module

Delete a module from the list.

Format: delete module <moduleIndexNumber>

🚩: <moduleIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list modules command output.

Example of usage:

delete module 2


     Noted. I've removed this module:
       [CM][A+] CS1010 (4 MC) (AY1920S1)
     Now you have 7 module(s) in the list.

Deleting an expense item from the list: delete expense

Delete an expense item from the list.

Format: delete expense <expenseIndexNumber>

🚩: <expenseIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list expenses command output.

Example of usage:

delete expense 2


     Noted. I've removed all these expense item(s)

     breakfast (0.10 SGD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)

Deleting all the expense items of a certain currency: delete expenses (by currency)

Delete expense items of the same currency.

Format: delete expenses currency/<currency_name>

🚩: currency_name is case-sensitive.

Example of usage:

delete expenses currency/SGD


     Noted. I've removed all these expense item(s)

     earphone (0.30 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)
     pen (1.00 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)
     book (0.50 SGD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     bottle (3.00 SGD) (date: Saturday, November 7, 2020)

Deleting all expense items of the same date: delete expenses (by same date)

Delete expense items of the same date.

Format: delete expenses date/<yyyy-MM-dd>

🚩: date argument must be in the format of yyyy-MM-dd, e.g. 2020-11-08.

Example of usage:

delete expenses date/2020-11-08


     Noted. I've removed all these expense item(s)

     bread (0.20 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)
     lunch (5.00 USD) (date: Sunday, November 8, 2020)

Marking a task as done: done task

Marks a given task as done.

Format: done task <taskIndexNumber>

🚩: <taskIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list tasks command output.

Example of usage:

done task 1


     Nice! I've marked this task as done:
       [Y] tP meeting

Setting a module as complete: done module

Sets a module as complete.

Format: done module <moduleIndexNumber>

🚩: <moduleIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list modules command output.

Example of usage:

done module 1


     Nice! I've marked this module as complete:
       [CM][A-] GER1000 (4 MC) (AY2021S1)

Marking a book as returned: return

Marks a given book as returned.

Format: return <bookIndexNumber>

🚩: <bookIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list books command output.

Example of usage:

return 2


     Nice! I've marked this book as returned:
       [R] java book

Setting the priority of a task: set

Sets the priority of an existing task.

Format: set <taskIndexNumber> p/<priority>

🚩: <taskIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list tasks command output.

🚩: <priority> must be non-negative.

Example of usage:

set 1 p/3

set 2 p/4


     Nice! I've set the priority of this task to: 4

Setting the category of a task: category

Sets the category of an existing task.

Format: category <taskIndexNumber> c/<category>

🚩: <taskIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list tasks command output.

🚩: <category> is case-sensitive

Example of usage:

category 1 c/CCA


     Nice! I have set the category of this task:
       [T][N] tP meeting (p:0) (category: CCA)

Setting the date of a task: date

Sets the date of an existing task.

Format: date <taskIndexNumber> date/<dd-MM-yyyy>

🚩: <taskIndexNumber> corresponds to the index given on list tasks command output.

Example of usage:

date 1 date/11-11-2020


     Nice! I have set the date of this task:
       [T][N] study for finals (p:0) (category: st2334) (date: 11 Nov 2020)

Printing task calendar: calendar

Prints a calendar with tasks from current date to given number of days.

Format: calendar d/<daysToPrint>

🚩: <daysToPrint> must be non-negative

Example of usage:

calendar d/7


     Today's date is: 26 Oct 2020
     Here's your tasks for the next 7 day(s).
     MONDAY - 26 Oct 2020
     [T][N] finish tutorial (p:2) (date: 26 Oct 2020)
     TUESDAY - 27 Oct 2020
     [T][N] tp meeting (p:0) (category: cs2113) (date: 27 Oct 2020)
     [T][N] meet with friend (p:1) (category: personal) (date: 27 Oct 2020)
     THURSDAY - 29 Oct 2020
     [T][N] tp v2.0 submission (p:0) (category: cs2113) (date: 29 Oct 2020)

Searching for an item with keyword: find

Finds all items in the corresponding item list with matching description.

Format: find {tasks,links,books,expenses,modules} k/<keyword>

🚩: <keyword> is case-insensitive.

🚩: <keyword> can be a single word or a phrase.

🚩: <keyword> must contain whole words from the item description, e.g tp meeting, ip etc.

🚩: Incomplete keywords will not be matched. e.g mee, t etc.

🚩: <keyword> for finding modules or links can only be the related module name.

Example of usage:

find tasks k/tp meeting


     Here are the matching items in your list:
     1.[T][N] tp meeting (p:0) (category: cs2113)
     2.[T][N] tp meeting 2 (p:0)

find expenses k/dinner


     Here are the matching items in your list:
     1.dinner (0.60 A) (date: Monday, November 9, 2020)

Clearing all tasks: clear

Clears all tasks, lists, books, modules, expenses from the list.

Format: clear all

Example of usage:

clear all


     Noted. I've cleared everything.

Getting help: help

list all the available commands and their usage.

Format: help

Example of usage:



     1. add task: Adds a task to the task list.
     Parameters: TASK_NAME <optional arguments>
     List of <optional arguments>
       - p/<number> sets the priority of the task.
       - c/<category> sets the category of the task.
       - date/<dd-MM-yyyy> sets the date of the task.
     Example: add task example_task <optional arguments>

     2. add module: Adds a module to the module list.
     Parameters: MODULE_CODE <optional/compulsory arguments>
     List of <optional arguments>:
       - d/<1 or 0> sets whether a module is completed or not (1 for completed, 0 for incomplete).
     List of <compulsory arguments>:
       - g/<grade> grade of the module in caps (A+, A, A-, etc).
       - ay/<XXXXSY> academic year of the module where X is an integer and Y is 1 or 2 (2021S1, 2021S2, etc...).
       - mc/<MCs> modular credits of the module. Valid for a range of 0 to 40 MCs.
     Example: add module example_module <optional/compulsory arguments>

     3. add link: Adds a weblink to the link list.
     Parameters: m/MODULE CODE <compulsory arguments>
     List of <compulsory arguments>:
       - t/<TYPE> type of use (lecture, tutorial, lab, project).
       - u/<URL> the link.
     Example: add link m/example_module <compulsory arguments>

     addr: Adds multiple tasks to the list of tasks that occur weekly on a given day.
     Parameters: TASK_NAME <optional/compulsory arguments>
     List of <optional arguments>:
       - p/<number> sets the priority of the task.
       - c/<category> sets the category of the task.
       - date/<dd-MM-yyyy> sets the date of the task.
     List of <compulsory arguments>:
       - s/<dd-MM-yyyy> start date of recurring tasks (inclusive)
       - e/<dd-MM-yyyy> end date of recurring tasks (inclusive).
       - day/<mon/tue/wed/thu/fri/sat/sun> day of recurring task.
     Example: addr example_task <optional/compulsory arguments>

     borrow: Adds a book to the book list.
     Example: borrow example_book  date/DD-MM-YYYY

     bye: Exits the program.
     Example: bye

     calendar: Sets the date of a given task in the list.
     Example: calendar d/<daysToPrint>

     category: Sets the category of a task identified by the task index number in the task list.
     Parameters: INDEX c/CATEGORY
     Example: category 1 c/Academics

     clear: Clears all tasks in the task list.
     Example: clear

     date: Sets the date of a given task in the list.
     Example: date <taskIndex> date/DD-MM-YYYY

     1. Deletes the task identified by the index number used in the task listing.
     Parameters: INDEX
     Example: delete task 1
          Optional parameter 1: p/PRIORITY
             Deletes all the tasks with PRIORITY.
             Example: delete tasks p/1
          Optional parameter 2: c/CATEGORY
             Deletes all the tasks with CATEGORY.
             Example: delete tasks c/cs2113

     2. Deletes the link identified by the index number used in the link listing.
     Parameters: INDEX
     Example: delete link 1

     3. Deletes the expense items identified by the index number used in the expense list.
          Optional parameter 1: currency/CURRENCY
             Deletes all the expense items with CURRENCY.
             Example: delete expenses currency/SGD
          Optional parameter 2: date/yyyy-MM-dd
             Deletes all the expense items on the date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd
             Example: delete expenses date/2020-11-07

     done: Marks the task/module identified by the index number used in the listing as done.
     Parameters: <type> INDEX
     Accepted <type>: task, module
     Example: done task 1

     find: Finds all items whose descriptions contain the specified keywords (case-insensitive) and displays them in a list with index numbers.
     Parameters: {tasks, links, books, expenses, modules} k/KEYWORDS
     Example: find expenses k/buy food

     help: Shows program usage instructions.
     Example: help

     list: Displays all items in the list with index numbers.
     Example: list all
     1. Displays all the tasks in the task list.
          Optional parameter 1: tasks p/PRIORITY
             Displays all the tasks with priority PRIORITY as a list.
             Example: list tasks p/1
          Optional parameter 2: tasks c/CATEGORY
             Displays all the tasks with CATEGORY as a list.
             Example: list tasks c/cs2113
          Optional parameter 3: tasks sorted
             Displays all the tasks sorted by priority     2. Displays all the books in the book list.
             Example: list books

     2. Displays all the links in the link list.
             Example: list links

     3. Displays all the modules in the module list.
             Example: list modules

     4. Displays all the expense items in the expense list.
          Optional parameter 1: currency/CURRENCY
             Displays all the expense items with currency CURRENCY as a list.
             Example: list expenses currency/SGD
          Optional parameter 2: date/yyyy-MM-dd
             Displays all the expense items with date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd.
             Example: list expenses date/2020-11-07
          Optional parameter 3: for/{DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR}
             Displays all the expense items for today/this week/this month/this year.
             Example: list expenses for/YEAR

     makefolders: Make folders for your modules in the modulelist

     spend: Adds an expense item to the expense list.
     Parameters: DESCRIPTION <compulsory/optional argument>
     List of <compulsory arguments>:
       - v/<value> sets the value of the expense item.
     List of <compulsory arguments>:
       - currency/<currency> sets the currency of the expense item.
       - date/<yyyy-MM-dd> sets the date of the expense item.
     Example: spend example_expense_item v/5.0 currency/SGD date/2020-11-07

     set: Sets the task identified by the index number used in the task listing to the new priority.
     Parameters: INDEX p/PRIORITY
     Example: set 1 p/2

     return: Marks the book identified by the index number used in the book list as returned.
     Parameters: INDEX
     Example: return 2

Exiting and saving the program: bye

Terminates and saves the program in the respective text files.

Format: bye

Example of usage:



     Farewell student. Hope to see you again soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: ./tasks.txt, ./books.txt, ./links.txt, ./modules.txt and ./expenses.txt stores the user data, which can be transferred to another computer or instance of the program by putting it in the same folder as termiNus.jar.

Q: Are all commands case-sensitive?

A: The case-sensitivity has been stated for the applicable commands.

Quick Command Reference

Action Command Example
Add task add task <description> <optional arguments> add task tP meeting c/cs2113
Add recurring task addr <description> <optional/compulsory arguments> addr board games club s/26-10-2020 e/27-11-2020 day/wed p/1 c/CCA
Add module add module <module code> <optional/compulsory arguments> add module CS2113 g/A+ mc/4 ay/2021S1
Add web link add link m/<module code> <compulsory arguments> add link m/CS2113 t/lecture u/https://cs2113Lecture.zoom.com
Add book borrow <book name> <compulsory argument> borrow cooking book date/11-11-2011
Add expense item spend <description> <compulsory arguments> <optional arguements> spend lunch v/5 currency/SGD date/29-10-2020
Create module folders makefolders makefolders
List tasks list tasks list tasks
List tasks with priority list tasks p/<priority> list tasks p/2
List tasks with category list tasks c/<category> list tasks c/CS2113
List links list links list links
List books list books list books
List modules list modules list modules
List expense items list expenses list expenses
List expense items with currency list expenses currency/<currency_name> list expenses currency/USD
List expense items with date list expenses date/<YYYY-MM-DD> list expenses date/2020-11-08
List expense items with date range list expenses for/<time period> list expenses for/WEEK
Delete task delete task <taskIndexNumber> delete task 2
Delete tasks by priority delete p/<priority> delete tasks p/2
Delete tasks by category delete c/<category> delete tasks c/cs2113
Delete link delete link <taskIndexNumber> delete link 2
Delete module delete module <moduleIndexNumber> delete module 2
Delete expense items delete expense <expenseIndexNumber> delete expense 2
Delete expense items by currency delete expenses currency/<currency> delete expenses currency/SGD
Delete expense items by date delete expenses date/<yyyy-MM-dd> delete expenses date/2020-11-08
Mark task as done done task <taskIndexNumber> done task 1
Mark module as complete done module <moduleIndexNumber> done module 1
Mark book as returned return <taskIndexNumber> return 2
Set priority of task set <taskIndexNumber> p/<priority> set 1 p/2
Set category of task category <taskIndexNumber> c/<category> category 1 c/CCA
Set date of task date <taskIndexNumber> date/<dd-MM-yyyy> date 1 date/11-11-2020
Print calendar calendar d/<daysToPrint> calendar d/7
Find an item with matching keyword find {tasks,links,books,expenses,modules} k/<keyword> find tasks k/tp meeting
Clear everything clear all clear all
Getting help help help
Exiting the program bye bye

End of termiNus User Guide