termiNus Developer Guide


termiNus is an interactive Command Line Interface (CLI) task manager for undergraduate students in NUS. This program will help them achieve a better grip on their school life as well as assist in better management of their daily expenses and be reminded of any library loans.

This guide gives an overview understanding of the architectural design and implementation of termiNus. It will assist developers in the knowledge they require to further build upon this application. We hope you have a clearer picture after reading through our Developer Guide.

Pre-requisite: Proficient in comprehending UML diagrams and notations.

Setting up, Getting Started

Setting up the project in your local machine

Ensure that you have JDK 11 or above installed on your computer.

First, fork this repo, and clone the fork to your local machine.

If you plan to use IntelliJ IDEA (highly recommended):

  1. Ensure IntelliJ IDEA is configured to use JDK 11.
    • Open IntelliJ and a welcome screen should appear.
    • Click on Configure -> Structure for New Projects -> Project Settings -> Project.
    • Under the Project SDK: section, select java version “11.0.8” or higher).
  2. Import the project as a Gradle project.
    • Ensure Gradle plugin is enabled by going to File -> Settings -> Plugins.
    • Under the Installed section go to Build Tools and enable Gradle.
    • At the welcome page, click on Open or Import.
    • Locate the build.gradle file within the folder that contains the clone repo and select it.
    • Choose the Open as Project option when asked.
    • Accept all default settings and wait for the project to import.
  3. Verify the setup.
    • Under the seedu.duke package, locate the Duke class and run it.
    • Try a few commands. You may want to refer to the user guide.

Before writing the code

  1. Configure the coding style
    • If using IntelliJ IDEA, follow this guide to set up IDEA’s coding style to match ours.
  2. Set up CI
    • This project comes with a GitHub Actions config files (in .github/workflows folder). When GitHub detects those files, it will run the CI for the project automatically at each push to the master branch or to any PR. No setup is required for this.
  3. Learn the design
    • When you are ready to start coding, we recommend that you refer to termiNus’s architecture to get a better idea of the overall design.



Architecture Diagram

Below is an architecture diagram of termiNus.


Sequence Diagram

Below is a sequence diagram of how the main program functions.


  1. First, the main function of the Duke class creates an instance of Duke.
  2. During the instantiation of Duke, a Model object is created.
  3. Duke loads the state of Model from file by calling the load() method of Model.
  4. After Duke is initialized, the Duke class calls the run() method of Duke.
  5. Duke calls methods from Ui class and shows messages to the user.
  6. Duke reads user commands using the Ui class (which acts as an interface between Duke and the user).
  7. Command object is returned to Duke which is executed.
  8. Command object interacts with Model and changes its state.
  9. Duke saves the state of Model to file by calling the save() method of Model.
  10. Duke continues reading commands until a ByeCommand is generated by the user.

Ui component

The Ui component is a user interface which reads user input command and output interacting messages.

The Ui component represents a Ui class and acts as an interface between Duke and the user.

The Ui component:

Parser component

The Parser class is a class forming part of the logic of termiNus. The Parser parses user commands and returns a Command subclass which corresponds to the full command with arguments.

Command component

The Command component represents an abstract object with state corresponding to a single line of the user’s input.

CommandClassDiagram Every basic command inherits the abstract Command class, with their own attributes and execute operations. After user input is parsed by Parser, CommandCreator will create and return the corresponding command to be execute.

The Command object:

CommandCreator component

The CommandCreator represents a class with methods that generate Commands from parsed arguments from Parser class.

The CommandCreator class:

Storage component

The Storage class is a class loading data from files when termiNus starts and saving data to files after each command.

The Storage object:

Item component

Item is a super class with 5 subclasses inheriting it: Task, Expense, Module, Link, Book.

Here is the class diagram for Item class and its subclasses.


The Item class and its subclasses:

Model Component


The Model component represents the state of the various lists stored in memory.

The Model component:


This section describes how certain features are implemented.


The Parser class is a class that takes in a single line of the user’s command and returns a corresponding Command that can be executed.

The Parser object:

High level description

The Parser.parse() method takes in fullCommand as an argument, which is the full command entered by the user.

Example commands:

The fullCommand is composed of several parts, which consists of a root command (add), description (module CS2113) and optional arguments (mc/4 ay/2021S1 g/A).

An optional argument consists of 2 parts, which is delimited by a forward slash. In the example above, there are 3 optional arguments, which are mc/4, ay/2021S1 and g/A. Each optional argument can be represented in this form: <key>/<value>.

In some commands, the optional arguments may be compulsory and is checked by the Parser at runtime.

The parse method parses the fullCommand into these parts before passing them as arguments to CommandCreator methods and returns a Command object with the corresponding arguments.

The following sequence diagram shows how the Parser works.


The following diagram shows how a command should be parsed into its separate parts.


Implementation details

  1. The parse method of Parser is invoked by the calling object. In termiNus, the only object that invokes this method is Duke. The fullCommand is passed an argument, which is the full command entered by the user.
  2. The method parses fullCommand into two separate Strings, which are rootCommand and commandString. rootCommand contains the first word of the command and commandString contains the rest of the command with the first word removed. This is done using the split method of the String class, then removing the rootCommand from the fullCommand before storing it in commandString.
  3. The method then invokes the removeArgumentsFromCommand method to parse and remove optional arguments from the full command. This is done using regular expression parsing which is detailed in the next section. The results are returned to the parse method and stored in description.
  4. The method then invokes the getArgumentsFromRegex method when the rootCommand is not "find" to parse the optional arguments from the full command. The results are stored in a HashMap<String, String>, which is a HashMap of key-value pairs, similar to the form of the optional argument (<key>/<value>). The results are returned to the parse method and stored as argumentsMap.
  5. The method then checks the rootCommand and decides which Command to return, which calls CommandCreator methods with the parsed argumentsMap, description, and commandString.
  6. For certain commands, checkAllowedArguments method is called to ensure that the user did not pass in invalid arguments for that given command, and throws an error if there are invalid arguments.
  7. For single-word commands like bye, checkFullCommand method is called to ensure that the full command corresponds to the command word, and rejects commands like bye 3.
  8. The results of the CommandCreator methods are returned as a Command back to the invoker of the parse method.

Regular expression parsing

Two of the previously mentioned methods, removeArgumentsFromCommand and getArgumentsFromRegex make use of regular expressions to parse the optional arguments.

The diagram below illustrates how the regular expression matches an optional argument.


Design considerations


This section describes how the Storage class works

High level description

Methods handling data loading (i.e. loadTask(), loadBook(), loadLinks(), loadModule(), loadExpense() methods) return an ArrayList of items (i.e. Task, Book, Link, Module, Expense). These will be the initial values of the item list (i.e. TaskList, BookList, LinkList, ModuleList, ExpenseList). The save() method takes an inherited instance of ItemList and a String specifying the path to which the file will be saved. The ItemList will be parsed and saved into files (each ItemList will be saved to a separate file) at the specified path.

Formats of the files:

There are 6 fields stored for each Task:

  1. String T for “Task”
  2. Whether the Task has been done or not (1 for done, 0 for not done)
  3. Description of the Task
  4. Priority of the Task (an Integer)
  5. Category of the Task
  6. Date of the Task

All the fields are separated by | with a leading and a trailing space. Each Task is stored as one line.

Example: T | 0 | borrow book | 1 | book | 28-10-2020

There are 5 fields stored for each Book:

  1. String B for “Book”
  2. Whether the Book has been returned or not (1 for returned, 0 for not returned)
  3. Name/Description of the Book
  4. Borrow date of the Book
  5. Return date of the Book

All the fields are separated by | with a leading and a trailing space. Each Book is stored as one line.

Example: B | 0 | cooking book | 11-11-2011 | 11-12-2011

There are 3 fields stored for each Link:

  1. Module of the Link
  2. Use of the Link
  3. URL of the Link

All the fields are separated by | with a leading and a trailing space. Each Link is stored as one line.

Example: CS2113 | lecture | https://cs2113Lecture.zoom.com

There are 4 fields for each Module:

  1. Module code
  2. Grade
  3. Modular credits
  4. Academic year and semester

All the fields are separated by | with a leading and a trailing space. Each Module is stored as one line.

There are 4 fields for each Expense:

  1. Description
  2. Value
  3. Currency
  4. Date

All the fields are separated by | with a leading and a trailing space. Each Module is stored as one line.

Currency has default value “SGD”.

Date has default value of the date that the spend command is executed.

Date will be in the format of yyyy-MM-dd, e.g. 2020-11-09.

Implementation details

The following sequence diagram shows how the Storage works.


  1. At the start of Duke, a new Storage object will be created.
  2. Duke calls loading methods (i.e. loadTask(), loadBook(), loadLinks(), loadModule(), loadExpense()) sequentially. Each loading method calls the corresponding helper method (i.e. loadTaskFromLine(), loadBookFromLine(), loadLinkFromLine(), loadModuleFromLine(), loadExpenseFromLine()) to load Items from each line in the file.
  3. After each command, Duke calls the save() method of Storage to save all the Items in the list to files.

List feature

List tasks

The list tasks feature allows the user to list all the tasks tracked. This feature is facilitated by ListCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command list tasks. (Assuming the task list is not empty)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListCommand.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword tasks, and returns a ListCommand for the whole task list.
  4. The command is executed and the complete list of all the tracked tasks is displayed.

List tasks with priority

The list tasks with priority feature allows the user to list tasks of a certain priority. This feature is facilitated by Parser and ListCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command list tasks p/3. (Assuming the tasks of priority 3 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListCommand.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword tasks and p/, and returns a ListCommand for the task list of priority level 3.
  4. The command is executed and the list of tasks with priority 3 is displayed.

List tasks with category

The list tasks with category feature allows the user to list tasks of a certain category. This feature is facilitated by Parser and ListCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command list tasks c/CS2113. (Assuming the tasks of CS2113 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListCommand.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword tasks and c/, and returns a ListCommand for the task list under CS2113 category.
  4. The command is executed and the list of tasks categorized by CS2113 is displayed.

The add links feature allows the user to add and save zoom meeting links of modules. This feature is faclitated by Parser, AddCommand and Storage.

  1. The user inputs add links m/CS2113 t/lecture u/https://nus.sg.zoom.us/cs2113/lecture.
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a AddCommand.
  3. The method createAddCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword link, and returns a AddCommand.
  4. The command is excuted and the link is added into the link list with module name and online class type.
  5. Storage saves the added link by writing it into the links.txt file.

The list link feature allows the user to list all the zoom meeting links. This feature is facilitated by Parser and AddCommand.

  1. The user inputs list links. (Assuming the link list is not empty).
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListCommand.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword links, and returns a ListCommand for the link list.
  4. The command is excuted and the complete list of links is displayed.

List expenses

The list expenses feature allows the user to list all the expense items in the expense list together with a summary message displaying the total amount of expenses listed for each currency.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and ListExpenseCommand.

  1. The user inputs list expenses.
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListExpense Command.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword expenses, and calls the static method createListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand.
  4. The static method creatListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand further parses the arguments and returns a new ListExpenseCommand for the expense list.
  5. The command is executed and the complete expense list is displayed together with the summary information.

List expenses with currency

The list expenses with currency feature allows the user to list expense items of a curtain currency together with a summary message displaying the total amount of expenses listed for each currency.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and ListExpenseCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command list expenses currency/USD.
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListExpense Command.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword expenses, and calls the static method createListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand.
  4. The static method creatListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand further parses the arguments by identifying keyword currency, and returns a new ListExpenseCommand for the expense list.
  5. The command is executed and the expense list with currency USD is displayed together with the summary information.

List expenses with date

The list expenses with date feature allows the user to list expense items of a curtain date together with a summary message displaying the total amount of expenses listed for each currency.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and ListExpenseCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command list expenses date/2020-11-09.
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListExpense Command.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword expenses, and calls the static method createListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand.
  4. The static method creatListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand further parses the arguments by identifying keyword date, and returns a new ListExpenseCommand for the expense list.
  5. The command is executed and the expense list with date 2020-11-09 is displayed together with the summary information.

List expenses with date

The list expenses with date feature allows the user to list expense items of a curtain date together with a summary message displaying the total amount of expenses listed for each currency.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and ListExpenseCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command list expenses date/2020-11-09.
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListExpense Command.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword expenses, and calls the static method createListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand.
  4. The static method creatListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand further parses the arguments by identifying keyword date, and returns a new ListExpenseCommand for the expense list.
  5. The command is executed and the expense list with date 2020-11-09 is displayed together with the summary information.

List expenses for a certain date range

The list expenses for a certain date range feature allows the user to list expense items of a curtain date range (i.e. today/this week/this month/this year) together with a summary message displaying the total amount of expenses listed for each currency.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and ListExpenseCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command list expenses for/WEEK.
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a ListExpense Command.
  3. The method createListCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword for, and calls the static method createListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand.
  4. The static method creatListExpenseCommand() in class ListExpenseCommand further parses the arguments by identifying keyword for, and returns a new ListExpenseCommand for the expense list.
  5. The command is executed and the expense list for the currency week is displayed together with the summary information.

Calendar feature

Calendar command

The calendar command allows users to print out a calendar view of their tasks within the next X days, where X is a parameter passed by the user.

  1. CalendarCommand obtains a list of tasks from TaskList by using its getTaskList method, which returns an ArrayList of Task objects.
  2. The list of tasks is converted into a Stream.
  3. The Task objects without dates are filtered out.
  4. The Task objects outside the range of the current date and X days of the current date are filtered out.
  5. The ArrayList is sorted by task dates, which uses a Comparator defined in the parameters.
  6. The Stream is collected back into an ArrayList, which has sorted dates of tasks within the next X days.
  7. The ArrayList of Task objects are passed to the Ui.dukePrintCalendar method, which prints the tasks as a calendar.
  8. The dukePrintCalendar method groups tasks by date and a new heading is printed for each day. This is done by comparing each Task in the loop with the previous task to check if they have the same date, and to print a new heading if not.

The filtering of the tasks by date is done using this code, which is called on a Stream object.

    .filter(task -> currentDate.until(task.getDate(), ChronoUnit.DAYS) >= 0)
    .filter(task -> currentDate.until(task.getDate(), ChronoUnit.DAYS) <= daysToPrint)

The sorting of tasks by date is done using this code, which is also called on a Stream object.


This sorts the stream using a Comparator which is defined inline. The Comparator makes use of the Task.getDate() method to do the comparisons. This is done instead of defining a new Comparator class as toCompare is already implemented in the LocaDate API, and doing this simplifies the code.

Delete feature

Delete tasks by index

The delete tasks by index feature allows the user to delete a task identified by a certain index.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and DeleteCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command delete task 2. (Assuming the task of index 2 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() command returns a CommandCreator object to create a DeleteCommand.
  3. The method createDeleteCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword task, and returns a DeleteCommand with the task index.
  4. The command is executed and the task with index 2 is deleted. The deleted task is displayed.

Delete tasks with priority

The delete tasks with priority feature allows the user to delete all the tasks of a certain priority.

This feature is facilicated by Parser and DeleteCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command delete tasks p/2. (Assuming the tasks of priority 2 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() command returns a CommandCreator object to create a DeleteCommand.
  3. The method createDeleteCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword tasks and p/, and returns a DeleteCommand for the task list of priority level 2.
  4. The command is executed and all tasks with priority level 2 are deleted. The deleted tasks are displayed.

Delete tasks with category

The delete tasks with category feature allows the user to delete all the tasks of a certain category.

This feature is facilicated by Parser and DeleteCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command delete tasks c/cs2113. (Assuming the tasks of category cs2113 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() command returns a CommandCreator object to create a DeleteCommand.
  3. The method createDeleteCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword tasks and c/, and returns a DeleteCommand for the task list of category cs2113.
  4. The command is executed and all tasks with category cs2113 are deleted. The deleted tasks are displayed.

The delete links by index feature allows the user to delete a link identified by a certain index.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and DeleteCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command delete link 2. (Assuming the link of index 2 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() command returns a CommandCreator object to create a DeleteCommand.
  3. The method createDeleteCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword link, and returns a DeleteCommand with the link index.
  4. The command is executed and the link with index 2 is deleted. The deleted link is displayed.

Delete modules by index

The delete modules by index feature allows the user to delete a module identified by a certain index.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and DeleteCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command delete module 2. (Assuming the module of index 2 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() command returns a CommandCreator object to create a DeleteCommand.
  3. The method createDeleteCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword module, and returns a DeleteCommand with the module index.
  4. The command is executed and the module with index 2 is deleted. The deleted module is displayed.

Delete expenses by index

The delete expenses by index feature allows the user to delete an expense item identified by a certain index.

This feature is facilitated by Parser and DeleteExpenseCommand.

  1. The user inputs delete expense 2. (Assuming the expense item of index 2 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() method returns a CommandCreator object to create a DeleteExpenseCommand.
  3. The method createDeleteCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword expenses, and returns a DeleteExpenseCommand with the expense index.
  4. The command is executed and the expense item with index 2 is deleted. the deleted expense item is displayed.

Delete expenses with currency

The delete expenses with currency feature allows the user to delete all the expense items of a certain currency.

This feature is facilicated by Parser and DeleteExpenseCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command delete expenses currency/USD. (Assuming the expenses of currency USD exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() command returns a CommandCreator object to create a DeleteExpenseCommand.
  3. The method createDeleteCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword expenses and currency/, and returns a DeleteExpenseCommand for the task list of currency USD.
  4. The command is executed and all expense items with currency USD are deleted. The deleted expense items are displayed.

Deleting expenses with date

The delete expenses with date feature allows the user to delete all the expense items of a certain date.

This feature is facilicated by Parser and DeleteExpenseCommand.

  1. The user inputs the command delete expenses date/2020-11-09. (Assuming the expenses of date 2020-11-09 exist.)
  2. The full command string will be parsed by Parser, whose parse() command returns a CommandCreator object to create a DeleteExpenseCommand.
  3. The method createDeleteCommand() in CommandCreator further parses the input by identifying the keyword expenses and date/, and returns a DeleteExpenseCommand for the task list of date 2020-11-09.
  4. The command is executed and all expense items with date 2020-11-09 are deleted. The deleted expense items are displayed.

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile

Undergraduate students of National University of Singapore who:

Value proposition

termiNus is an application which helps NUS undergraduates to better manage their school life, by providing daily task or borrowed books tracking, and module-related functions. This increase users’ efficiency and make their life more organized.

User Stories

Version Priority As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 High student add tasks into a list keep track of the things I need to do
v1.0 High student assign priorities to tasks focus on the more important things first
v1.0 Medium student assign categories to tasks have a more organised task list
v1.0 High student mark tasks as done keep track of the remaining tasks to do
v1.0 Medium student list all tasks in my list have a better overview
v1.0 High student be able to delete unwanted tasks focus on the tasks which I need
v1.0 High student save all data after using the application retrieve the data upon running the application
v2.0 Medium student automatically create folders for my modules I do not have to manually create them
v2.0 High student add recurring tasks avoid adding the same tasks every week
v2.0 High student have a calendar I can view my current and upcoming tasks
v2.0 High student be able to set a tracker my borrowed books avoid overdue fines
v2.0 Medium student sort my tasks based on highest priority focus on those tasks first
v2.0 High student save zoom links in a centralized place easily attend my online classes instead of looking through my email for the link
v2.0 High student add modules and calculate my CAP have a better projection of my grades and efforts
v2.0 Low student login with a password my system is protected

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.

  2. Should be able to respond to any command in less than 2 seconds.

  3. A user should be able to complete majority of tasks faster using CLI than GUI.


Acronym Full form Meaning
CI Continuous Integration Combining parts of a software product to form a whole
SDK Software Development Kit A set of software tools by software vendors
IntelliJ IntelliJ An Integrated Development Environment written in Java
UML Unified Modeling Language A modeling language which to visualize the design of a system
CLI Command Line Interface A program that accepts text inputs to execute operating system functions
GUI Graphical User Interface An interface that allows users to interact through graphical icons
Mainstream OS Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X Operating systems
SLOC Source Lines of Code The number of lines in a program’s source code
DRY Don’t Repeat Yourself Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system
CAP Cumulative Average Point The weighted average grade point of all modules taken by a student

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Below are the steps required for manual testing of termiNus

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch
    1. Download the latest version of termiNus from here and copy the jar file to an empty folder.
    2. Open a command line window in the same directory and launch termiNus by typing java -jar termiNus.jar and press enter.
  2. Shutdown
    1. Input bye to exit the program.

Adding items

  1. Adding a task
    • Test case: add task tP submission c/CS2113 p/1 date/09-11-2020
      Expected: task tP submission is added to the task list, with priority of 1, category of CS2113, and a date of 09 Nov 2020.
  2. Adding a recurring task
    • Test case: addr tP meeting s/26-10-2020 e/27-11-2020 day/tue c/CS2113 p/2
      Expected: recurring tasks tP meeting are added to the task list, with priority of 2, category of CS2113, and the recurring dates of the Tuesdays during the start and end period.

    • Test case: addr game club c/CCA <br> Expected: an error message is printed since the compulsory arguments s/, e/, day/ are all required for a recurring task.

  3. Adding a module
    • Test case: add module CS1010 d/1 g/A+ mc/4 ay/1920S1
      Expected: module CS1010 completed in AY1920S1 is added to the module list, with the grade A+ and MCs of 4.

    • Test case: add module STT233 d/1 g/A+ mc/4 ay/1920S1
      Expected: an error message is printed since the module name is in incorrect format.

    • Test case: add module ST2334 mc/4 ay/1920S1
      Expected: an error message is printed since the compulsory arguments g/, mc/, ay/ are all required for a module.

  4. Adding a link
    • Test case: add link m/CS2113 t/lecture u/https://cs2113lecture.zoom.com
      Expected: the Zoom meeting link for lecture of module CS2113 is added to the link list.

    • Test case: add link m/CS2113 t/meeting u/https://cs2113meeting.zoom.com
      Expected: an error message is printed since the input for t/ argument can only be lecture, tutorial, lab, or project.

  5. borrowing a book
    • Test case: borrow Harry Potter date/10-11-2020
      Expected: the book Harry Potter is added to the book list with the loan date 10 Nov 2020 and due date 10 Dec 2020.
  6. Adding an expense item
    • Test case: spend lunch v/4 currency/SGD date/2020-11-08
      Expected: a 4.00 SGD expense on lunch on Sunday, November 8,2020 is added to the expense list.

    • Test case: spend book v/15
      Expected: a 15.00 SGD expense on book on the current day is added to the expense list. (By default, if currency/ and date/ arguments are not specified, termiNus will assume the currency is SGD and the date is the current day.)

Creating module folders

Displaying items

  1. Displaying tasks
    • Test case: list tasks
      Expected: the complete list of tasks is displayed.

    • Test case: list tasks p/1
      Expected: the list of tasks under priority 1 is displayed.

    • Test case: list tasks p/-1
      Expected: an error message is printed, since the priority of a task can only be a non-zero integer.

    • Test case: list tasks p/4
      Expected: an error message is printed, since there is no task of this priority.

    • Test case: list tasks c/CS2113
      Expected: the list of tasks under category CS2113 is displayed.

    • Test case: list tasks c/work
      Expected: an error message is printed, since there is no task of this category.

  2. Displaying modules
    • Test case: list modules
      Expected: the complete list of modules is displayed.
  3. Displaying links
    • Test case: list links
      Expected: the complete list of links is displayed.
  4. Displaying books
    • Test case: list books
      Expected: the complete list of books is displayed.
  5. Displaying expenses
    • Test case: list expenses
      Expected: the complete list of expenses is displayed, followed by the total expenses calculated for the current day, week, month, and year.

    • Test case: list expenses date/2020-11-09
      Expected: the list of expenses on Sunday, November 8, 2020 is displayed, followed by the total expenses caculated for the given day.

    • Test case: list expenses for/week
      Expected: the list of expenses for the current week is displayed.

Marking an item as done

Prerequisite: list the desired item list using list command. Multiple items in the list.

  1. Marking a task as done
    • Test case: done task 1
      Expected: the first task in the task list is marked as done Y.
  2. Marking a module as completed
    • Test case: done module 1
      Expected: the first module in the module list is marked as completed CM.
  3. Marking a book as returned
    • Test case: return 2
      Expected: the second book in the book list is marked as returned R.

Setting the priority of a task

Prerequisite: list the complete task list using list command. Multiple tasks in the list.

Setting the category of a task

Prerequisite: list the complete task list using list command. Multiple tasks in the list.

Setting the date of a task

Prerequisite: list the complete task list using list command. Multiple tasks in the list.

Printing the task calendar

Searching for tasks with keywords

Deleting items

Prerequisite: list the desired item list using list command. Multiple items in the list.

  1. Deleting a task/tasks
    • Test case: delete task 1
      Expected: the first task in the task list is deleted.

    • Test case: delete tasks p/1
      Expected: the tasks that under priority 1 are deleted.

    • Test case: delete task p/0
      Expected: an error message is printed indicating invalid index, since the delete command for tasks under a certain priority should use tasks instead of task in the input.

    • Test case: delete tasks p/10
      Expected: an error message is printed indicating invalid index, since there is no task of priority 10 in the list.

    • Test case: delete tasks c/CS2113
      Expected: the tasks that under category CS2113 are deleted.

    • Test case: delete task c/CS2113
      Expected: an error message is printed indicating invalid index, since the delete command for tasks under a certain category should use tasks instead of task in the input.

    • Test case: delete tasks c/work
      Expected: an error message is printed indicating invalid category, since there is no task of category work in the list.

  2. Deleting a module
    • Test case: delete module 2
      Expected: the second module in the module list is deleted.

    • Test case: delete module 8
      Expected: an error message is printed, since the module index does not exist.

  3. Deleting a link
    • Test case: delete link 1
      Expected: the first link in the link list is deleted.

    • Test case: delete link 7
      Expected: an error message is printed, since the link index does not exist.

  4. Deleting an expense
    • Test case: delete expense 1
      Expected: the first expense in the expense list is deleted.

    • Test case: delete expense 10
      Expected: an error message is printed, since the expense index does not exist.

    • Test case: delete expenses date/2020-11-09
      Expected: all the expenses on Sunday, November 8, 2020 are removed from the expense list.

    • Test case: delete expense date/2020-11-09
      Expected: an error message is printed indicating invalid index, since the delete command for expenses on a certain day should be expenses instead of expense in the input.

Clearing all items

Getting help

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